About Me


Hi! My name is Chelsey and I’m a wife to my super fun & amazingly supportive husband, Paulie (currently an elementary teacher) and a mom to the two most wonderful kids~  Theodore (Buddy) age 1 and Lucy (Buggy) now 4! Before I was a stay-at-home mom, I was an elementary teacher, but am now spending my days exploring and growing with my children.  We live on the coast of California, which allows us the opportunity for so many wonderful experiences.

I love knitting, baking, making lots of lists, attempting to sew, geocaching, reading, playing any type of game involving words, watching birds and am addicted to Settlers of Catan. My favorite things include~ coffee ice cream with heath bar, the colors brown & green, cloudy days about 63 degrees, making lists of lists I need to make, seeing my kids laugh, sleeping through the night, not dancing to the beat and having pancakes on Sunday.

I am so excited to meet so many fun people through the blogging community and look forward to sharing my experiences with you! Welcome!

You can find me on Facebook, Pinterest, or email me at buggyandbuddy at gmail dot com.

5 Responses to About Me

  1. angaleta says:

    Hi, Chelsey! You’re AMAZING and WONDERFUL! I’m happy, because now I know a few more things about you (Another attempter to sew, who just know how to sew paper but not clothes). 😀

  2. Kristen says:

    I just found you via Tinkerlab, and judging by your pix, I think we must live in the same town! What a great blog you have here. Thank you for the cheese cracker recipe : )

    • buggy & buddy says:

      Thank you so much for the compliment! What a small world~ You’ll have to say hi if you see us out and about! 🙂

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